New buildings design (also large dimension and multifunctional) and recovery or maintenance (ordinary or extraordinary) of existing buildings, even with high historical value and/or with particular architectural importance. All activities are provided and developed at all design levels (architectural, structural and utilities engineering), and for Works Supervision and Safety Coordination, and for accounting and final testing too.
BIM technology software is used, with which it is possible to provide the customer, in short time, also more design solutions and, at the same time, the utmost rigor in the design details, the structural and utilities aspects completition, and the bill of quantity accounting.
Energy efficiency implementation of existing buildings.
The use of the latest updated softwares allows the structures modeling even for seismic adaptation or improvements of existing buildings, in compliance with current regulations..
Completion of all technical and administrative procedures and assistance to the Customer for all Entities opininions and authorizations obtaining necessary to involve the works (Municipalities, Fire Department, Superintendence, etc.) during the design phase and in the next Execution stage through a remarkable experience in the works Supervision and Safety Coordination .